Things happen so unexpectedly sometimes. Like this weekend for instance.
I received a phone call bright and early on Sunday morning from Tim, my father-in-law asking for Timmy and me to come and help him fence. Since Timmy wasn’t feeling well, I headed over to help.
You should have seen us! Tim was using an iron digger to dig out the holes and I was using the old post hole diggers and moving right behind him.
After the third fence post, listening to the neighbor tell us what a good job we were doing and hearing Tim say, “Work like this is good for the soul,” I’d had about enough. So with eight dollars in my pocket I talked the neighbor into coming over and using his post driver. Best eight dollars I have ever spent!
When the hard work was almost over my husband (knows when to show up doesn’t he) came over and was complaining about his tooth hurting him. I listened to him complain for a while and finally after he went in and grabbed the phone book and began looking for a dentist, I got the hint. He was actually in a terrible amount of pain.
After setting up appointments and calling dentists all over the country side, we were able to get him an appointment the next day. Oh, and the ads for 24 hour dentists, lie. You only get an answering machine.
So bright and early Monday morning we headed out to Lexington.
Now, I have patience but it can only be stretched so far. We sat there for three hours after his appointment time. When they finally called him back, they attempted to pull the tooth and ended up having to do oral surgery. Great!
So, after spending all day in a waiting room with a complaining husband, I enjoyed a car ride all the way back to Winchester with a grumpy husband.
As we sat in the car waiting for his prescription to get filled (Kroger has the busiest pharmacy I’ve ever been to), I thought I was going to go mad when I spotted it out of the corner of my eye.
I began to laugh and sing the jingle I remembered from childhood commercials. “My bologna has a first name it’s O-S-C-A-R...”
Who in their wildest dreams would have imagined seeing the Oscar Mayer truck on what had to be one of the worst vacation days ever taken. I guess it just goes to show that when things are so bad that you are about to pull your hair out, something always comes along to brighten up your day. My shining moment just so happened to be a hot dog shaped car.
Sometimes life throws you lemons, others hotdogs!
The only irony of this is the fact that I DO NOT like hot dogs!
Column was published 3-26-2009 in the Citizen Voice & Times
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