Thursday, October 20, 2011

Kick it into soup gear

When the weather starts to turn cold I go into SOUP mode at the house. We have chili for a few nights, then vegetable soup, soup beans, potato soup... I could keep going but I think you get the picture.

This part of me had to come from my dad. I think if it was up to him when we were growing up, we would of had soup beans or green beans every night for supper. When he cooked, he made so much that we would have soup beans for a week.

Soup is something that really doesn’t take a lot of prep time and if you fix enough of it, it will last a while.

There is nothing wrong with eating leftovers! Waste not, want not!

I usually make enough of some soups so that I can freeze a batch. That’s a great thing when your running low on food supplies at the end of the month or when you really don’t feel like cooking.

So this week, I decided I’d share my potato soup recipe with you. It’s great on a cold day with a big chunk of cornbread and I usually fix salmon patties with mine. I don’t freeze this recipe. Never tried it and it doesn’t last that long at our house.

Here you go and I hope you enjoy!

Ingredients: (2 servings)

4 medium potatoes, peeled, sliced and diced

1 medium onion, chopped

1 package of shredded cheddar cheese

3 pieces of cooked crisp bacon

1 can of cream

Boil chopped onions and potatoes in water until tender. Drain all but 1/3 of the water from the pan. Turn heat down on low and add cream. Let simmer on low for a few minutes. Right before serving add in desired amount of cheese and stir until well blended. Plate and add crumbled bacon on the top of soup.

This is a quick and easy recipe but make sure you keep an eye on the soup. If you aren’t careful you will scorch it, especially after you have added the cheese in.

You can change this recipe up easily. I’ve added diced carrots and celery to it before. Be creative. Add some of your favorites to the recipe or make your own.

Cooking doesn’t have to be a chore. I’ve learned to enjoy cooking and use it as a way to show my love to those around me.

I hope you enjoy the soup! 


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