Me and my bluegill! |
I've never been much of a fisherman, well in my case fisherwoman, but that all changed four years ago. I married an avid fisher. Oh, boy!
I don't like the smell of fish, I refuse to take them off of the hooks, especially after my husband informed me that some of them will cut you with their… well, I wasn't paying that much attention. Not to mention the fact that I apologize to all the worms that I put on the hook. They didn't do anything, but that's just the circle of life.
A few weeks ago, against me protesting, my husband went out and bought our fishing license. He said that now I didn't have an excuse not to go with him. Shoot fire! Hey, I tried.
So the next morning he wakes me up at the crack of dawn to drive 100 miles in the middle of nowhere to this little pond that might be as big as one of those 4 foot above ground pools. Did I mention it was in the middle of nowhere?
Of course I wasn't going unprepared. I took my fold out chair, a book, my purple fishing pole, and of course my camera.
It was early and kinda chilly and I just knew that I wasn't going to like this whole fishing experience, until I caught the first fish. That's right! My line had barely touched water when I saw that floater go under.
Now I was excited! Timmy is always catching the large fish, while I catch what he deems as bait. It didn't matter that my fish was only about a pound, give or take a few ounces. Okay, take a few ounces, but I had caught a fish, I still wasn't taking it off the hook though.
After a few hours of catching blue gill and releasing them ( I probably caught the same fish over and over again), I got bored. I didn't feel like reading, so I picked up my camera and started walking around.
I took pictures of wild flowers and clover and everything that caught my eye. I probably wandered around these woods for a good hour. On our way back to civilization (Okay, it wasn't that far out in the middle of nowhere. This is a fishing tale, we are suppose to exaggerate) Timmy asked if I enjoyed fishing.
My answer, "Yep, as long as I get to catch the first fish and take my camera." Looks like I'll be fishing a lot this summer.
Timmy sitting at the pond. |
Herbert Hoover once said, "Fishing is much more than fish. It is the great occasion when we may return to the fine simplicity of our forefathers." To this I would add, and the beauty of Mother Nature.